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Women Leaders

Fondo Proceso funds women’s education, health, and development programs which enable women to find their own potential and take their rightful place as equal actors in the social and economic development of their communities and countries.

VISION: To provide strong, decisive, progressive women with the opportunity to become leaders of social change in Central American society.

Women who participate in local solar oven construction workshops receive education on human rights, health,  and personal development.  Through a series of workshops based upon the “Siemprevivas” Curriculum, and the book “Where There Is No Doctor for Women” (Hesperian Heath Guides), women receive the skills and encouragement they need in order to develop local grassroots community organizations, and to influence the social and economic development of their communities.

The importance of fighting for a more dignified life within community, regional, and national contexts drives us to cultivate and strengthen the leadership capacities of women in hopes of influencing a more positive future for Central America.

Photograph by Tom Cogill
Member of Family Gardening Group in Honduras